Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Sesame Street

Ashton and I had our first date night since his 3rd birthday.  We had pizza and then joined some friends for Sesame Street Music.  Ashton had a great time with this friends.

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Monday, October 1, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday, Christian

Wow, my baby is a year old!!!!

For Christian's birthday, we decided on a Very Hungry Caterpillar theme.  We had his party at Stephen Decatur Park on September 22, 2012 since this was the only day available in September.  It was windy, but the weather was perfect and it seemed the kids had a great time.

Christian was not a fan of his smash cake...ha, ha. I was surprised and thought for sure he would love it.
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On his actual birthday, we had my parents over along with my mother-in-law to celebrate with some pizza and cupcakes....again, he didn't want any cake

Christina is walking all over the place and is so proud of himself. It's funny to watch him walk, look over his shoulder and laugh. He is such a happy baby!

Some fun facts:
~Weights about 22lbs
~wearing 12-18 months
~size 3 diapers
~still wakes multiple times a night
~still nursing like a champ
~sleeping in bed with mommy and Ashton
~repeats any sounds that I make at him
~loves to play with the older kids at daycare
~started to bite when he's frustrated

Christian is 11 months.....

and boy is he FUN! 

Christian now:
~has his two bottom teeth with the 4 top on the way - swollen gums!
~Is starting to take his first steps. 
~Loves to laugh at his big brother
~is the best hugger!
~is starting to eat a variety of foods now that he has his two teeth - still very limited though
~Still sleeping with me and Ashton
~nursing all during the night - I think it's the teething
~enjoys day care and the ladies there love him to pieces
~wearing size 3 diapers and 12 month clothing
~his hair is really growing in thicker and it's as blond as can be
~would rather play with toy trucks than his baby toys
~loves to ride on the back on my bike...doesn't make a peep!
~has started to get on his rocking horse and rock back and cute!

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday, Ashton

I think I've written this post several times.  Ashton, you are more than I could have even imagined. You are my world and I would be lost without you. You make me whole world!  Three years ago you made my life complete!  You are a challenge at times and like to push my buttons, but it's all good. The way you say, "Mommy, I love you so much!" or the times you say, "Mommy, you a meatball!" and of course Daddy taught you to say, "Mommy, you so pretty!" You melt my heart everyday. Thank you for the best three years of my life.

At three years of age Ashton is:
-almost potty trained - he is trying hard
-the vocabulary is spilling out of his mouth. Each day he surprises me with something new
-still sleeping with me
-is attending preschool and has gotten a lot better about leaving me
-loves riding big boy rides
-has a best friend - Hunter from preschool
-also has been known to hug a few little girls in school
-knows the numbers 1-10
-know most of the colors of the rainbow
-is learning to ride his big boy bike
-can kick a ball like it's his job (we start soccer this fall)
-loves all things guns (I hate it!)
-is all about cars & trucks
-terrible eater
-loves milk!
-wearing a size 4 diaper or size 2T pull up and 3T-4T clothing already
-weighs about 34lbs and about 34" tall (I think)
-talks in his sleep sometimes
-maybe I am biased - but seriously - he is sooo cute!

For Ashton's third birthday party, we celebrated at Coco's Fun House in Salisbury.  He had a great time.  He had his best friend, Hunter, at the party and he couldn't have been happier!  He had an awesome Spider Man ice cream cake.

Since his birthday fell during the week, we opted to have a separate family function on his actual birthday, August 14.  I took the day off and we headed to Frontier Town - my favorite place when I was his age.  At first he was super scared but soon warmed up. The cutest part was when the train was 'robbed' and he was asked to put his hands up - his eyes were as large as saucers and his arms went up faster than ever!  Hilarious!
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Friday, August 3, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday, Makua!

Other 'first baby' turned 4 on August 2.  Makua is the best dog we could ask for....the kids pull his tail, pinch him and tumble over him all the time! His defence -- he licks them until they stop :-)

Christian is 10 months!

I know I say this every month, but Christian is growing up way too fast!

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Here are some fun facts:
~crawling so fast
~walking around furniture
~can now say, ma-ma when he wants me
~puts his arms in the air if we ask him how big he is
~claps his hands together
~pushes his trucks on the floor
~walks behind a push toy
~still nursing (and it seems to be all.the.time at night)
~enjoying solids more although he spits out the chunks
~is still sleeping with me and Ashton
~gives everyone a hard time when we change his clothes or diaper
~wearing 12 month old clothing/size 3 diapers
~dances when music comes on
~loves to ride on the baby seat while bike riding
~loves to be kissed
~makes raspberries all the time
~mocks any noise that we make at him
~loves to take a bath
~loves, loves the ocean and the beach
~weighs about 22lbs

Christina is seriously the easiest, happiest baby to be around. He is such a joy and everyone just loves him to pieces.  He loves being around Ashton and his cousin, Bailey!  He is a cuddle bug and I can't get enough of him and his beautiful smiles.

BBQ fun

Tiffany, Uncle Brian's main squeeze, had us over for a BBQ.  We had a great time meeting her family and playing with all the kids.  Makes us happy to be around family/friends and meeting new people.