Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Guess who is three months

My goodness, I can't believe it's been three months since Christian was born. He is such a great baby and made being home with him a pleasure. It was so sad to drop him off at day care my first day back to work. I can say it wasn't as bad as it was with Ashton since he went to Tutu's for my first week. I guess it's knowing that he is being taken care of and loved. Next week, I'm sure, will be a different story.

Christian is such a strong little baby. He rolled over from tummy to back (at daycare of course) on the 29th (exactly 3 months old) twice that day. Tutu said that she left the room with him on his back and when she came back he was wiggling on his tummy.

Christian loves his big brother and big brother loves him. Christian just stares in awe at Ashton. Ashton holds Christians hand while we are in the car, when they are playing on the floor and is always leaning in while Christian is swinging to steal a kiss. The other day, Adam took the bike to pick up Ashton and I was coming to pick up Christian in the truck. Ashton really thought that Christian would be left alone so Ashton started to cry. He didn't want to leave his 'bubba' all alone at Tutu's house! So sweet.

Christian still loves to talk to anyone who will talk to him. He coos all day.

He is still sleeping with me and is waking a few times a night to nurse. It seems he will sleep a long stretch from about 8pm - 2am and then up a few more times from 2am - 6am. 6am is his waking time.

Christian is wearing size 2 diapers, fits in 6 month clothes and is about 25 inches in length. I would guess he weights about 15 lbs or so.

Christian is batting at his toys while he is on his back or in his bouncer seat.

Chrisitan can grasp anything you put in his hand.

Chrisitan puts everything in his mouth...I hope he's not teething already!

He still loves to nap in his swing and will take a solid 3 hour nap in there.

Christian loves to look around and check things out. He would rather be carried in your arms facing outward than in the baby carrier.

He loves his mama and gives me tons of smiles. He is such a flirt.

1 comment:

  1. THREE MONTHS already!? what in the world!! and that picture of ashton and christian is seriously the cutest...
