Christian is quite the ham these days. He loves going to daycare because he gets all the lovin there! They ladies just love him to pieces and spoil him like mad! He is cruising all over, crawling as fast as he can and smiling up a storm. He is just the best baby! Here are some fun facts about the little man in my life:
~Still no teeth!!!
~is cruising around the couch to the end tables
~as soon as he sees Makua's water bowl he crawls as fast as he can to splash in it
~'talks' and yells when he wants something - very vocal kid!
~spent his first time without me - I had to go to Atlanta for 5 nights. Nana and Daddy made out great!
~since I was gone and the breast milk ran out, he had his first formula and gobbled it down without issues!!
~Is still sleeping with mommy and Ashton.
~wakes multiple times a night to nurse
~is starting to have separation issues - he cries when I drop him off at day care and will grunt if I am in the room and he wants me
~Is eating all sorts of soft foods.
~Wearing a size 3 diaper and 9-12 month clothing
~about 21 lbs and 31" in length - big boy!