Ashton is now able to do/does the following:
-Bite my chin with 2 teeth (well they are not fully grown in yet)..aka kisses mamma
-Grabs an object and can switch hands with it (I think he's gonna be a lefty, but they say you won't know for sure until 2 -3 years in age).
-Sit unassisted for the most part
-He will start crying when someone else is holding him and he sees me (mamma boy)
-"talking" up a storm
-still is NOT sleeping though the night. It has actually gotten worse (blaming teeth)
-has his first friend at day care (Zek)
-Grabs every and anything he can get his hands on
-"bucks" or tries to get out of his car seat, stroller and anyone who is holding him
-slowly eating solids (we are only doing one tablespoon a day so far for the past few weeks...I really wanted to wait until 6 months) and boy is he ever ready!!
-hates tummy time...and I mean to the point that if he rolls onto his tummy..he screams like he is in pain!
-I don't think the kid will ever crawl...ever!
-He can sort of scoot when he wants to
-Ashton still sleeps in bed with me and daddy (and I love every minute of it..especially since I started back to work and feel like I never see him)
-Turns toward sounds and voices
-still can really only roll from back to belly (has been that way since month 4)
Here are a few photos...he was totally not in the mood for photos!
He rolls back to belly and Bella only likes to roll from belly to back :) Funny how different kids are... all except for the not sleeping part!