Ashton can now:
Crawl!! Yes ladies and gentlemen, the boy I once thought would never crawl did 2 days before he turned 9 months old.
Say "da-da" and "ba-ba"
I caught him humming the other day? Can a baby really hum?
He is eating all sorts of food. He's still not a big fan of much besides poi and carrots.
He LOVES to play with our dog, Makua
He loves swimming (pool better than the ocean)
Ashton can pull himself up in a flash.
Got to spend some qualify time with his mom-mom for three weeks! Lucky boy!
Still only has those two bottom teeth (I saw a top tooth trying to push though)
Can have a mean temper tantrum(I still really need to show you all this)
Drinks from a sippy cup
Ashton can drink from a straw
Holds his own bottles (I think we were a little late on this development)
Still has a blocked tear duct...poor thing, his eye is sealed shut in the mornings.
Ashton went to have his 9 month well baby check on his 9 month b-day:
Weight - 21 lbs 6 oz (65%) He had lost a little weight since he had been sick for the past 2 weeks.
Height - 30.5" (97%)-- Dr. says were pushing 6'5 big ole basketball player..gonna make mama rich! just kidding
HC - 18.5" (91%) He's got his daddy's head!!
Here are a few fun pictures of our photo shoot this month. Take notice that he is no longer wearing a onesie. He looks to old to wear them anymore....even though they are so much easier!!!
And a short video